​Vaccination against influenza this year is even more important. Over the COVID-19 period there has been lower exposure to influenza virus and lower levels of influenza vaccine coverage compared to previous years. With borders reopening a possible resurgence of influenza can occur in 2022.
​The following individuals in WA are eligible to receive government funded vaccine:
· persons 65 years or older
· children and primary school-aged children 6 months to students in year 6
· pregnant women (any trimester)
· Aboriginal people 6 months and older
· individuals 6 months and older with medical conditions that place them
at risk for complications of influenza, including:
o cardiac disease
o chronic respiratory conditions
o chronic neurological conditions
o impaired immunity
o diabetes and other metabolic disorders
o renal disease
o haematological disorders
o children aged 6 months to 10 years receiving long-term aspirin therapy.